You know when you see a puppy, you just GUSH. Puppies are all fresh and curious with tails wagging, looking around at everything, and friendly with everybody. Yep, cute, cute, cute. And,
that’s where we are. We recognize we are the new pup on the block, and we are happy to be here. We’ve had such a great 1st year in business and happy to celebrate and recognize a lot of “firsts” that have shaped our last 12 months. After launching our first line of cover ups, and stoking the fire on social media last year, Summer saw us add Accessories and Home to our website that includes fun trucker hats, great beach jewelry, and hand-made beach throws. By September we had our first Instagram Influencer promotion with @wheretopeanut from Maui and we gave away $250 in merchandise on Whoa!
We will continue to see more social media promotions like this great giveaway so follow us on Instagram to get in on them! Do that now while you are thinking about it. Then come right back and read more below about our 1st year.
In the Fall we advertised in Conde Nast Traveller in their Luxury Gift Guide. We were pretty excited about seeing our cover ups in their publication and online! You can see our Pink Tunic, Royal Blue Hoodie, and Silk Kaftan in each of the issues we advertised. Check our menu heading “Press” (or just click “press” right there). We love print magazines and Conde Nast Traveller is a great fit with all our like minded travel friends — we even opened our “borders” and ship to the UK now as a result of our new reach. We might even start saying “Crisps” instead of “Fries” soon – loving our new connection across the waters.
The 2018 December holidays brought us face-to-face with customers at our first-ever pop-up shop experience at a holiday boutique in Manhattan Beach. It was so great to meet customers so they could see, touch, & feel the cover ups, hats, jewelry, and mudcloth beach throws in person. We made new friends and were in good company with other retailers from here in the area like Beachn Candles, Musette Clothing, Licia B Jewels, and artists and like Drica Lobo Art for colorful beach paintings. What we especially loved was the concept of gift shopping and giving, simultaneously. Partial proceeds of all sales went to the Double Strand Foundation for medical research towards the cure of Von Hippel-Lindau and other cancers. Please click over to see what they are doing here and give if you can.
Our plans for 2019 and beyond will see us rounding out all our categories and concentrating on more color ways in our signature silhouettes. Remember, what you see here now will not be around forever, so be among the first to get it. They are limited editions and truly originals from Manhattan Beach currently sold nowhere else. Speaking of sales, what better way to get a few of these pieces than 40% off during our Anniversary Sale on now through February 15th. Use Promo Code: ANNIV40 at check out!
Thank you for a great 1st year (Arf, Arf)! See you on the beach!